Quality is a state of mind, powered within, empowered without
It is a way of life to serve the customer withinYou cannot produce better than what you define the best. To improve ‘Quality’ you have to re-define your ‘best’ and align with definition’s stakeholders.
Quality cannot be merely described by before and after numbers. It is a comparison of way of life – before and after.
Quality as a ‘way of life’ is a highest reward in itself, which if there does not seek rewards and recognition without.
Training on Quality tools and techniques is ‘food’, you need to be ‘hungry’ first.
Extraordinary Quality results come only with extraordinary quality efforts.
Cease looking at sustaining the ‘results’, look for sustaining the journey, results will not only be sustained but become better progressively.
Need comes first, Plan – Do – Check – Act later. It also matters ‘who’ needs it the most and why?
By striving to achieve ‘Right First Time’ in whatever you do, you are actually making a significant contribution towards your nation’s growth and prosperity.
Question and overcome every form of ‘waste’ in your day to day work, it is your time that is being spent on doing them, value your time today and now, it is a subset of your career path.
Quality Life Cycle – Desire, Learn, Apply, Fail, Try, Succeed, Renew.
Sustaining Continuous Improvement effort always depends on who owns the journey.