So, you’ve understood the steps to value stream mapping but you’ve got questions! Here are some of the frequently asked questions that have come up while carrying out a value stream mapping process:
1. I do data entry. Is it possible to make a value stream map for just a data entry process?
– Yes, you can make a value stream map for any process. The size or scale doesn’t matter.
2. Is a value stream map the same as a process map?
– No, a value stream map is not the same as a process map. A process map shows the process flow from start to finish. It doesn’t contain any data. A value stream map will capture material and information flow with value-added and non-value-added time. Additionally, a value stream map captures critical key performance indicators. For instance, these include cycle time and changeover time at every step of the process.

3. Is value stream mapping a better tool to use than a process map?
– There is no comparison between value stream mapping and a process map. They are used for different purposes. If the purpose is to become aware of how the process flows from one step to another, a process map is a good tool. However, if the purpose is to identify value-added and non-value-added effort in a process, a value stream map ideal.
4. I work in the service industry. How do the classic types of wastes (TIMWOOD) apply to me?
– Not all types of wastes apply to all industries. Therefore, there is no universal answer to this.

5. Is it possible to have a process with zero wastes? Can we remove the wastes in a process?
– Perfection is the 5th Lean principle. It states that you should strive to achieve zero wastes in a process. However, it can neither happen overnight nor by a few people who know how to apply Lean principles successfully. It is an organizational effort! Total employee involvement is required. Additionally, senior leadership should align Lean implementation with long-term company goals. It should not be considered as just a tool to achieve quick savings! If done right, it is possible to achieve zero waste in a process. It is a journey.
6. What is the best way to carry out Lean in my process?
– There is no one way to do it carry out Lean. The best way to start is to map a current state value stream map for your process. You will struggle, but it’s okay. You will learn a lot by carrying it out. Once you have made a current state value stream map for your process, identify improvement opportunities to achieve the set goals. The 1st step is to set the goals for your process. For example, these could pertain to efficiency, productivity, or quality.