Total productive maintenance is a crucial Lean tool to organizational efficiency. Additionally, it features 6 big losses. These are:
1. Breakdown Losses
Firstly, total productive maintenance highlights the improper use of machines, substandard spare parts, lack of preventive maintenance, and poor daily maintenance routines. Additionally, it makes note of the fact that running machines beyond the specification of manufacturers can lead to unscheduled machine breakdown.

2. Set-up and Adjustment Losses
Secondly, these losses in TPM include set-up, start-up, and adjustment timings. These may be a result of a product change.
3. Minor Stoppages Losses
The third loss out of the 6 big losses is machine halts, jams, and idles! However, these losses are difficult to track and record without suitable instruments and automation.
4. Speed Losses
Fourthly, total productive maintenance states that if a piece of equipment doesn’t perform at its original speed, it leads to speed losses. Therefore, quality problems and minor stoppages often occur at higher running speeds. Consequently, operators reduce their speed to mitigate this issue. However, there are times when machines slow down to keep up with succeeding or preceding machines.

5. Quality Defect and Rework Losses
Fifthly, TPM highlights defective products that are made during normal operations can cause a machine to stop. Hence, these products must be either reworked or scrapped.

6. Yield Losses
Lastly, total productive maintenance reinstates that wasted raw materials, rejects, scraps, and chips culminate to yield losses. Yield losses can be divided into 2 groups. The first comprises of those raw material losses that are a result of product designs, improper manufacturing methods, and equipment capacity. The second group includes the adjustment losses that result from quality shortages. These shortages are associated with stabilizing performing conditions to begin work and changeover.

The goal of the eight pillars in total productive maintenance implementation is to address these 6 big losses. To know more about how the various pillars of TPM help overcome these 6 big losses, click here!